Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i changed the shoe=]

Hmmm today in the morning me and my mummy went to OU by cab, yea. Then we walked to the Curve, under the hot sun. Haha and i never knew there's offices in the Curve. So yea we went to the Nike sales Office to change my shoe. They gave me a Nike Air Pegasus 2006. Quite okay lar.. at least it fits my size better. But i still like the Air Rival green colour, its GREEN. Anyways i was happy i got the shoe.=]

Then we ate lunch and after that bought Big Apple DOUGHNUTS =DD yumm yumm!(: really nice.
Then hmm we walked to IKANO power. Then waited for the shuttle bus and then it took us to Kelana LRT Station then dear daddy brought us back home =)

Hmm nothing much lar.. Tomorrow is gonna be the 3rd day of SPM edi! continue to, you know? add oil! jia you! people!! haha lol

back to chatting.

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