Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Hmmm today in the morning we went for SeckWei's surprise farewell party. hhmmphh secky you like spoilt a little of the surprise. so yeah anyways we played, and played, and eat, and played, and eat. -____- Hope you like my lame lame card. DONT ever throw it away i tell you, i spent time doing it. hahaha also hope you enjoyed the party, yea. don't forget us kay.=) And HYKJ everynite! lols.

So after that we went back home to play with Jia Yi [ my 8 year old cousin] ;) hehehe

yes thats her hahaha ;]

so we played played played. also played game of LIFE.

kay the end rachel wanna blog too byeeeee she's like next to me no pestering me =X

Awhhh, smilee =)

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