Friday, November 30, 2007

cleaning cleaning cleaning

hmmm this whole week i have been doing cleaning, cleaning and cleaning. X)
Cleaning my room was the worst. Its soo dusty and messy. But i don't really see a big difference after cleaning, except its less dusty haha. hmm i guess i one more month time, my room is gonna be back as usual.

Other than that, we cleaned the living area, kitchen, blablabla, practically the whole house laa. sigh still got one big big amount of books to arrange. fyi i have a big bookshelf full of books at home =/

Seem like most ppls are working during this hols, and i'm doing nothing getting fatter each day at home. ?><...

I miss my school friends so muchh.=]

I bet you there`s not one person in
this whole entire world that will
die for you the way Jesus did. <3

Jesus loves you! =)

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