Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dec one

ITs already 1st of december now. Can you believe it? i mean, you know, time really flies wei. It just seem like yesterday hols just started and its already dec? So that also means Christmas is so sooon=-) yayy. But i won't be in PJ for Christmas ='-(

So today, woke up quite late, cause slept like 3 yesterday cause i was sick and yea, very sick, can't really sleep.
Played *scrabble* , not really scrabble also la, ok whatever.
Played badminton
Played with water, swimming laa

Had dinner

Then went to church for AV meeting. The video bout how great and big and enormous is our GOD is so amazingggg. really, i was like *WOW! my GOD is SO BIGGG* while i watched it. And thus realize that all of us are like really tiny ants , BUT God still care for all of us and even died on the cross for our sins. I was so touched.=-)


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